Consultation and Fees

If you are ready to make a change in your life then you can call to arrange a 50 minute consultation. We can explore the issues that are causing you stress and find out if we will be able to work well together to help you grown and change. If you want to proceed then we will set your fee and a time for our weekly meetings.

My fee is $75 per hour for in person therapy or teletherapy.


I do not accept insurance; however your services may still be covered in part or full by your insurance or employee benefit plan. You can check with your provider for their policy and procedures regarding coverage.


Phone and Skype Counseling

An alternative to in person counseling is phone or skype. This may be more convenient than meeting in person.

Medicate or Treat

According to a 40-year meta-analysis in Clinical Psychology Review published in December of 2013 attitudes towards seeking mental health services are changing. Unfortunately the change my not be for the better. Although rates of people seeking treatment have increased it is only because of people seeking medications for depression and a majority of individuals with mental health issues are still not seeking treatment. This appears to be driven by the adverting campaigns of major drug companies.

There are times when people have a chemical imbalance in their brains and medication can be very beneficial just as with other medical conditions. However, research has shown that medication won’t solve many of the issues that people are faced with. Psychotherapy has been found to be the answer for long-term change and a happier life.